
We are against the Iraq war !

  Empire America is the worst troublesome nation on the ship called the earth.  He is strong and belly-god. He does his wishes anyway and can not admit different ways. He is capable of doing anything in order to defend his expensive and luxurious life. We opposes terrorism. However, there are causes of the terrorism. The policy of empire America brought forth terrorism. Turning around the terrorism, empire America tried to emphasize world control. This way the Iraq war began. There were no devices of mass destruction from the beginning. U.S. imperialism started the war without justice. This is the war of aggression by American imperialism.

  We opposes the new imperialism of America that was shown in the Iraq war.  Only the hand of Iraq people can solve the problem of Iraq. The human dignity that was trampled down by empire America must be recovered, to radicate acts of terror. The empire that lost justice goes downhill without fail. The military victory is the beginning of political defeat.  Empire America also can not be escape the law of history. Now the history is advancing.

  Government of Japan decided the Self-Defense Force dispatch following the demand of empire America.  However, the basis of the nation that thinks with oneself and decide with oneself  lacks completely and the government is turned swing to the situation.  The Japanese Constitution is not admitting the fighting in overseas. Moreover, there is not justice in this war that the U. S. empire started. Nevertheless prime minister Koizumi dispatchs the Self-Defense Force. Because he is tied to Japan and America alliance. The Koizumi administration is the self-protective timid watchdog of the U.S. imperialism. He is not possible even to give advice to America.

  Japan must become independent, politically and militarily from  empire America. We appeal cordially to nullify the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, and to solidarise with the Americans with the human heart. We refuses the restructuring of the world by U.S. imperialism. We pursue the way of  "small country Japan" different from style of empire America. Do not cause to wreck the ship called the earth.

  "America" is the product of history. The outlook on the world that regard physical profits and economic prosperity as the worth of superiority gets ruined someday. However, mankind have not shared the sense of values that substitutes it yet. There is the American problem here. The American problem is the problem of people oneself of all the world. The power is not justice. We call, to all the people who get on the ship, to collect together the wisdom as the human being to find means to survive  now and to carve out our future !