
Japanese Constitution Article 9 is the our own Constitution.

The Japanese Constitution


Article 9. Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.
 In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.

  The movements to revise the Constitution is bigger now in Japan. They try to nullify Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, to remove the restriction for jointing military affair action with America and to remove the restriction for the dispatch of the Self-Defense Force. This movements are the part of the world strategy of America to conjure in the east Asia the military power Japan that ties America. It is restructuring of the world by U.S.Imperialism.

  The Japanese Constitution was born as a result of the victory of anti-fascism union and the defeat of the fascism axis such as Japanese militarism in the Second World War. The Emperor Hirohito declared that he is a human being, the Zaibatsu were dismantled, the socialists and democrats were released from the jail and the Communist Party which had been illegal was turned legal, and conversely the militarists were shut out the official position.

  The Japanese Constitution was proclaimed on May 3, 1947, that declare  the renunciation of war as a way to resolve international conflicts. Article 9 was born based on the sacrifice of many Japanese who were got drafted to the war of aggression into Asia and had died and got hurt,  many Asian who were killed by Japanese militarism and also offered their life to the fight to fascism. Article 9 is the properties of all the people who fought against the  Japanese militarism and got over.

  The policy of America were being changed with the progress of the China revolution, and by a direct opportunity that the People's Republic of China was born, the nation policy of America was turning to anti-communism. With the process America tried to make Japan the allied country of faithful subordinates and advance the rearmament of Japan.  The revival of militarists and contrarily the red purge began together. The conservatism person of Japan who crosses the flow of Japanese militarism already began to say the constitutional reform in 1954.  

  America beginning the Iraq war without justice lost the power that has the reason and persuade people.  Now, the power of America is only military forces.  The control layer of today's Japan takes this opportunity to revise the Constitution and to nullify Article 9.

  The military forces are not power.  The power of the people who unite under justice are real power.  Empire America where lacked this is included in the decline process. Article 9 is showing the way not to trust on the military forces. Human dignity is esteemed even from physical prosperity.  By the power from the heart of people into one,having the reason  we conduct interior and exterior politics.  There is a way here.  The mind of Article 9 is new now or never.  Do have pride in Article 9 and show the justice in a new era !